Pets bath

pet bath

Pets bath

Imagine coming home to a pet that's not only joyous but also clean, smelling wonderful, and with a coat that's as soft as silk. That's exactly what we offer with our Pet Bath service at PawsAndTheCity NYC. Here, it's not just a bath; it's a pampering session that your pet will adore.

Welcome, Pet Lovers of New York City!

When you bring your pet to us for a bath, we start with a warm welcome that makes them feel right at home. We know some pets can be a bit nervous about bath time, which is why we take our time, ensuring they're comfortable and relaxed before we begin.

Our bathing process is gentle yet thorough. We use only the finest pet-friendly shampoos that not only cleanse but nourish your pet’s skin and coat. Whether your furry friend has been playing in the park, rolled in something they shouldn’t have, or just needs a routine clean, we’ve got them covered. The water is always just the right temperature, and every pet is treated to a gentle massage that they're bound to love, making bath time a truly luxurious experience.

But the care doesn't stop there.

After the bath, we carefully towel-dry your pet, followed by a gentle blow-dry if they're comfortable with it.

At PawsAndTheCity NYC, we understand the trust you place in us when you let us care for your pet. Our team of pet-loving professionals is committed to making every bath a delightful experience, leaving your pet looking, feeling, and smelling great.

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Dedicated to enhancing the lives of pets through personalized care.




847B St. John's Place, Brooklyn, New York.
+1 347-425-0269
Mon - Sun: 8AM - 8PM